All Classes and Interfaces

Singleton class to get and set configuration settings
Initialize config file
Copy text to clipboard
This class checks if the password is in the list of 10000 most common passwords from 2017.
This class is used to encrypt and decrypt the password file.
Exit program
Generate a password with a given length and special characters
Iterate through history
Edit or remove credentials from database by id or name
Read from password database
Write to password database
Class to listen for key presses using library Jnativehook
Load config file
Main class - entry point of the application
Parse command line arguments
Class to encrypt password using Argon2d algorithm
This class is used to calculate the Shannon's entropy of a password.
Get password from user input
Read from password database
Read file
This class is used to calculate the similarity between two words using Levenshtein algorithm.
This class is used to write into a file