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calculateLevenshteinDistance(String, String) - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.WordSimilarity
Calculate the similarity between two words using Levenshtein algorithm.
ConfigGetter - Class in org.jpass.utils
Singleton class to get and set configuration settings
ConfigGetter() - Constructor for class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
ConfigInit - Class in org.jpass
Initialize config file
ConfigInit() - Constructor for class org.jpass.ConfigInit
Constructor - initialize path to config file and check for existing config If config file doesn't exist, create it (also create version file, move wordlist into config directory and create secret file)
copy(String) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.CopyToClipboard
Copy text to clipboard (seconds are loaded from config)
copy(String, int) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.CopyToClipboard
Copy text to clipboard
CopyFile(String) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.WriteFile
Copy a file and save it as .copy file - used as a helper in append method
CopyFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.WriteFile
Copy a file
CopyFile(Path, String) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.WriteFile
Copy a file
CopyToClipboard - Class in org.jpass.utils
Copy text to clipboard
CopyToClipboard() - Constructor for class org.jpass.utils.CopyToClipboard
countEntropy(String) - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.PasswordEntropy
This method is used to calculate the entropy of a password.
create(String) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.WriteFile
Create a file
checkForCommonPassword - Class in org.jpass.crypt
This class checks if the password is in the list of 10000 most common passwords from 2017.
checkForCommonPassword(String) - Constructor for class org.jpass.crypt.checkForCommonPassword
This method checks if the password is in the list of 10000 most common passwords from 2017.
checkForLastId() - Static method in class org.jpass.database.JsonReader
Check for last id in database - by counting the length of the JSON array Set lastId in ConfigGetter


dbEncryptionAES - Class in org.jpass.crypt
This class is used to encrypt and decrypt the password file.
dbEncryptionAES() - Constructor for class org.jpass.crypt.dbEncryptionAES
Constructor - load the file path
decryptFileToBytes() - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.dbEncryptionAES
Decrypts the file to bytes
down() - Static method in class org.jpass.database.IterateHistory
Move down in history - copy the command to clipboard The index i is incremented


editArgon2Settings() - Static method in class org.jpass.ConfigInit
Create Argon2d settings for hashing passwords (iterations, memory in KB, threads)
editByIdOrName(int, String, String[]) - Static method in class org.jpass.database.JsonEditRemove
Edit credentials by id or name (one of them has to be 0 or null)
editCopyTime() - Static method in class org.jpass.ConfigInit
Edit number of seconds for copying password before it's deleted from clipboard
editFilePath() - Static method in class org.jpass.ConfigInit
Add path to file with passwords (.pass file)
encryptFileFromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.dbEncryptionAES
Encrypts data from bytes to the file
encryptFileFromFile() - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.dbEncryptionAES
Encrypts the file from plain text file
Encrypting and decrypting a password file - Search tag in Overview
encryptPass(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.passEncryptionArgon2
Encrypt password to string
encryptPassBytes(String) - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.passEncryptionArgon2
Encrypt password to bytes
exit(boolean) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ExitProgram
Exit program - encrypt data (or plaintext file and removes it)
ExitProgram - Class in org.jpass.utils
Exit program
ExitProgram() - Constructor for class org.jpass.utils.ExitProgram


generate(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.generatePassword
Generate a password with a given length and special characters
generatePassword - Class in org.jpass.crypt
Generate a password with a given length and special characters
generatePassword() - Constructor for class org.jpass.crypt.generatePassword
getArgon2dConfig() - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Get argon2d config
getConfigPath() - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Get path to config file
getData() - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
get decrypted data in bytes
getHistory() - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Get history of commands
getInstance() - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.passEncryptionArgon2
Get instance of class
getInstance() - Static method in class org.jpass.database.JsonEditRemove
Get instance of class
getInstance() - Static method in class org.jpass.database.JsonReader
Get instance of class
getInstance() - Static method in class org.jpass.database.JsonWriter
Get instance of class
getInstance() - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Singleton instance
getInstance(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.dbEncryptionAES
Gets the instance
getLastId() - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Get last id
getLastRead() - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Get last read
getPassFile() - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Get pass file
getPassword() - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.PasswordInput
Get password from user input and calculate entropy The input is hidden when using console (works only in terminal - usually not in IDE)
getSeconds() - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Get seconds


Implementation - Search tag in Overview
isInFile(String) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ReadFile
Check if string is in file (used for checking if password is in file) Also check for similar strings using Levenshtein distance (if distance is less than 4)
IterateHistory - Class in org.jpass.database
Iterate through history
IterateHistory() - Constructor for class org.jpass.database.IterateHistory


JPass - Search tag in Overview
JsonEditRemove - Class in org.jpass.database
Edit or remove credentials from database by id or name
JsonEditRemove() - Constructor for class org.jpass.database.JsonEditRemove
Constructor - load decrypted data in JSON format as String
JsonReader - Class in org.jpass.database
Read from password database
JsonReader() - Constructor for class org.jpass.database.JsonReader
Constructor - load decrypted data in JSON format as String
JsonWriter - Class in org.jpass.database
Write to password database
JsonWriter() - Constructor for class org.jpass.database.JsonWriter
Constructor - load decrypted data in JSON format as String


KeyListenerUtil - Class in org.jpass.utils
Class to listen for key presses using library Jnativehook
KeyListenerUtil() - Constructor for class org.jpass.utils.KeyListenerUtil


LoadConfig - Class in org.jpass.utils
Load config file
LoadConfig() - Constructor for class org.jpass.utils.LoadConfig
Load config file


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jpass.Main
Main method - entry point of the application
Main - Class in org.jpass
Main class - entry point of the application
Main() - Constructor for class org.jpass.Main
Most important classes - Search tag in Overview


nativeKeyPressed(NativeKeyEvent) - Method in class org.jpass.utils.KeyListenerUtil
Check for key presses - <Ctrl> + B, <Ctrl> + P, <Ctrl> + D, Up, Down
nativeKeyReleased(NativeKeyEvent) - Method in class org.jpass.utils.KeyListenerUtil
Check for key releases - <Ctrl>, B, P, D


org.jpass - package org.jpass
org.jpass.crypt - package org.jpass.crypt
org.jpass.database - package org.jpass.database
org.jpass.utils - package org.jpass.utils


parse(String[], boolean) - Static method in class org.jpass.ParseArgs
Parse command line arguments - commands help, version, config, add, gen, rm, edit, id, uname, ls, c, ui, exit
ParseArgs - Class in org.jpass
Parse command line arguments
ParseArgs(String[]) - Constructor for class org.jpass.ParseArgs
Constructor - parse command line arguments
passEncryptionArgon2 - Class in org.jpass.crypt
Class to encrypt password using Argon2d algorithm
passEncryptionArgon2() - Constructor for class org.jpass.crypt.passEncryptionArgon2
Constructor to set parameters for Argon2d algorithm
PasswordEntropy - Class in org.jpass.crypt
This class is used to calculate the Shannon's entropy of a password.
PasswordEntropy() - Constructor for class org.jpass.crypt.PasswordEntropy
PasswordInput - Class in org.jpass.utils
Get password from user input
PasswordInput() - Constructor for class org.jpass.utils.PasswordInput
Passwords - Search tag in Overview


read(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ReadFile
Read file and return string
readAll() - Static method in class org.jpass.database.JsonReader
Read all credentials from database and print to console
readAll() - Static method in class org.jpass.database.ReadDB
Read all credentials from database
ReadDB - Class in org.jpass.database
Read from password database
ReadDB() - Constructor for class org.jpass.database.ReadDB
ReadFile - Class in org.jpass.utils
Read file
ReadFile() - Constructor for class org.jpass.utils.ReadFile
readSpecificId(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.jpass.database.ReadDB
Read specific id from database
readSpecificIdOrUname(int, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.jpass.database.JsonReader
Read specific id or account name from database and print to console
readSpecificName(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.jpass.database.ReadDB
Read specific account name from database
removeByIdOrName(int, String) - Static method in class org.jpass.database.JsonEditRemove
Remove credentials by id or name (one of them has to be 0 or null)
removeClipboardAfter(int) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.CopyToClipboard
Remove clipboard after x seconds - using thread
RemoveFile(String) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.WriteFile
Remove a file


setArgon2dConfig(int[]) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Set argon2d config
setConfigPath(String) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Set path to config file
setData(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Set decrypt data in bytes
setHistory(String) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Set history of commands
setLastId(int) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Set last id
setLastRead(String[]) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Set last read
setPassFile(String) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Set pass file
setSeconds(int) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.ConfigGetter
Set seconds
startUI() - Static method in class org.jpass.ParseArgs
Start UI - command line interface
statusEntropy(double) - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.PasswordEntropy
This method is used to return the word status of the entropy of a password.


up() - Static method in class org.jpass.database.IterateHistory
Move up in history - copy the command to clipboard The index i is decremented
updateHistory() - Static method in class org.jpass.database.IterateHistory
Update history - get history from config
updateIndex() - Static method in class org.jpass.database.IterateHistory
Update index
Used packages - Search tag in Overview


verifyPassword(String) - Static method in class org.jpass.crypt.passEncryptionArgon2
Verify password - compare hash saved in .config/jpass/.secret file with password


WordSimilarity - Class in org.jpass.crypt
This class is used to calculate the similarity between two words using Levenshtein algorithm.
WordSimilarity() - Constructor for class org.jpass.crypt.WordSimilarity
write(String, String) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.WriteFile
Write into a file
write(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.jpass.utils.WriteFile
Append text into a config file Make copy (.copy file), read from copy and write into original file, replace specific line, delete copy
write(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.jpass.database.JsonWriter
Write new credentials to database - also add with new id
WriteFile - Class in org.jpass.utils
This class is used to write into a file
WriteFile() - Constructor for class org.jpass.utils.WriteFile
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